Git Tutorial


GIT Tutorial

Source code: vnk8071/git_tutorial


Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. It allows you to revert files or project to a previous version, track modifications and modifying individuals, and compare changes. It is essential for the integrity of the project and the people working on it.

And last but not least, 80% of the time we’re just going to use about 20% of the available git commands.


git config --global "name"
git config --global "email"


git_workflow @source: A successful Git branching model

Commands and definitions

1git clone <url>.gitClone a repository into a new directory
2git checkout -b <branch_name>Create a new branch and switch to it
3git add .Add all files to staging area
4git commit -m "message"Commit changes to head
5git push origin <branch_name>Push changes to remote repository
6git logShow commit logs
7git revert <commit_hash>Revert a commit
8git reset --hard <commit_hash>Reset to a commit
9git branchList all local branches
10git branch -rList all remote branches
11git branch -aList all local and remote branches
12git branch -d <branch_name>Delete a local branch
13git push origin --delete <branch_name>Delete a remote branch
14git checkout <branch_name>Switch to a branch
15git checkout -Switch to the previous branch
16git checkout -- <file_name>Discard changes to a file
17git merge <branch_name>Merge a branch into the active branch
18git fetchFetch changes from remote repository
19git pullFetch and merge changes from remote repository
20git stashStash changes in a dirty working directory
21git stash listList all stashed changesets
22git stash popApply stashed changes to working directory
23git stash dropDiscard stashed changesets
24git rebaseReapply commits on top of another base tip
25git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits>Rebase interactive
26git rebase --continueContinue rebase after resolving conflicts
27git rebase --abortAbort rebase


  • git pull = git fetch + git merge
  • git pull --rebase = git fetch + git rebase

Details in Git Cheat Sheet and Book

Basic flow

git clone <url>.git
git checkout -b <branch_name>
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push origin <branch_name>

Example: Follow the instructions in basic_flow

Check remote branches: basic_flow_push_origin

Common workflow patterns

Single branch workflow

  • Use a single branch for all changes.
  • Use tags to mark important commits. single_branch
1It is simple.It is not recommended to use in remote branches.
2It is easy to resolve conflicts.It is not recommended to use in large projects.
3It is easy to revert a commit.It is not recommended to use in colaborating with others.

single_branch_workflow @source: A successful Git branching model

Branch based development workflow

  • The master/main is never committed to directly.
  • New features are developed in separate branches, and then if colaborating with others, merged could be approved by pull request into the master/main branch.

branch_based_development @source: Trunk Based Development

1It is easy to revert a commit.It is harder to resolve conflicts.
2It is easy to review changes.It is not recommended to use in local branches.
3It is easy to collaborate with others.Need dedicated time to review changes.

Back in time


git log
git revert <commit_hash>
git commit -m "[REVERT] <commit_hash>"
git push origin <branch_name>

Example: Follow the instructions in revert_log

We want to revert the commit 0fcd910e9488b06d2206ff59c556e92a03a6f4ca:

git revert 0fcd910e9488b06d2206ff59c556e92a03a6f4ca
git commit -m "[REVERT] 0fcd910e9488b06d2206ff59c556e92a03a6f4ca"


[git-flow 7e41a10] Revert "UPDATE github link into doc projects"
 7 files changed, 14 deletions(-)


We can see that the commit 0fcd910e9488b06d2206ff59c556e92a03a6f4ca is reverted.


git log
git reset --hard <commit_hash>
git commit -m "[RESET] <commit_hash>"
git push origin <branch_name>


We can see that the commit 0fcd910e9488b06d2206ff59c556e92a03a6f4ca is reset.


Create a branch

git checkout -b <branch_name>
git push origin <branch_name>

Example: Follow the instructions in

git checkout -b git-flow


git push origin git-flow


Delete a branch

git branch -d <branch_name>
git push origin --delete <branch_name>


git checkout <branch_target>
git merge <branch_name>
git push origin <branch_target>


Follow the instructions in Ìf merge conflict, we need to resolve it first.

git checkout main
git merge git-flow


<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the first line of the main branch.
This is the first line of the git-flow branch.
>>>>>>> git-flow


Then accept the changes could be current | incoming | both and commit:

git add .
git commit -m "Resolve conflict"
git push origin main

Check changes

git status
git log
git diff <commit_hash_1> <commit_hash_2>
git diff <branch_name_1> <branch_name_2>



Before we can push to a team repository, we need to pull and resolve conflicts first.

git pull

Then we can push to the team repository.

git push origin <branch_name>


Using git stash to save changes in a dirty working directory and then pull latest changes from remote repository.

git stash save
git pull

Then we can apply stashed changes to working directory.

git stash pop


git stash apply


git checkout main
git pull

Then raise a bug and fix it.

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by pull:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you pull.

In this case, we can stash changes and pull latest changes from remote repository.

git stash save
git pull

Then we can apply stashed changes to working directory.

## Rebase
Similar to merge, but rebase reapply commits on top of another base tip.
git rebase <branch_name>

Example: It squashes all commits of into one commit and reapply on top of .


Then it rewrites the history of and we need to force push to the remote repository.


1It keeps the history clean.It is harder to resolve conflicts.
2It is easier to revert a commit.It loses the context of the commits.
3Using in local branches.It is not recommended to use in remote branches.


Using squash to combine multiple commits into one commit.

git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits>

Note: Not recommended to use in remote branches when colaborating with others.

Less used commands

| # | Command | Definition | | — | — | — | | 1 | git rename <old_name> <new_name> | Rename a file | | 2 | git remote rename <old_name> <new_name> | Rename a remote | | 3 | git restore --staged <file_name> | Unstage a file |

Use cases

Git merge vs rebase

git merge feature main

This creates a new “merge commit” in the feature branch that ties together the histories of both branches, giving you a branch structure that looks like this:


git checkout feature
git rebase main

This moves the entire feature branch to begin on the tip of the main branch, effectively incorporating all of the new commits in main. But, instead of using a merge commit, rebasing re-writes the project history by creating brand new commits for each commit in the original branch.


or we can interactive rebase:

git checkout feature
git rebase -i main
pick 33d5b7a Message for commit #1
fixup 9480b3d Message for commit #2
pick 5c67e61 Message for commit #3


Finally, the feature branch has all of the commits from main and a nice, clean history:

git checkout feature
git rebase -i main
git checkout main
git merge feature


@source: Git merge vs rebase

Git reset vs revert

git checkout hotfix
git reset HEAD~2

The two commits that were on the end of hotfix are now dangling, or orphaned commits. This means they will be deleted the next time Git performs a garbage collection. In other words, you’re saying that you want to throw away these commits. This can be visualized as the following: git_reset_hotfix

git checkout hotfix
git revert HEAD~2

Reverting undoes a commit by creating a new commit. This is a safe way to undo changes, as it has no chance of re-writing the commit history. This can be visualized as the following:


@source: Git reset vs revert

Git hooks

Git hooks are scripts that Git executes before or after events such as: commit, push, and receive. Git hooks are a built-in feature - no need to download anything. Git hooks are run locally.

Install pre-commit:

pip install pre-commit
brew install pre-commit
conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit

Then run pre-commit install to install the git hook scripts into .git/hooks/:

pre-commit install

Pre-commit hook

Add the following to .pre-commit-config.yaml:

  - repo:
    rev: v4.4.0
      - id: check-case-conflict
      - id: trailing-whitespace
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: requirements-txt-fixer
  - repo:
    rev: 'v2.0.2'
      - id: autopep8
        args: [--in-place, --aggressive, --aggressive, --recursive]

Auto enable pre-commit hook:

$ git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
$ pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template

When we commit, the pre-commit hook will run:

git add .
git commit -m "ADD latest git tutorial and ADD edit page"


@source: Git pre-commit hooks

Future work

  • Practice make perfect.
  • So far so good.